Saturday, June 1, 2013

It's been bad, sort of..

May has been kind of bad month for me.. 

I don't know, it's actually been good for me, but just not good enough. i've been through a lot of depression in the month of May, even though that i had my birthday that month. Even my birthday didn't feel good for me. everything happened last month felt just like bullshit.

Well, i'm anxious because All Time Low is about to have a gig in my country, and it's one week left until they (the promotor) release the tickets. and i'm really nervous right now.

About band of the month, it'd still be Pierce The Veil. but there's a new band. haha. the band itself called Crown The Empire. I've known the band for months, i love their songs but have never pay any attention to the band until a week ago. I came to my pervert friend's house (this is her blog, click to see this pervert's blog) I was about to show her a video of a band, that the drummer's face has a lot of ridiculous expressions while drumming. we love to laugh at many things, it's what you called "mocking", i guess. so i showed her that video. we laughed at first. but right after Andy Leo (the frontman of the band) started to sing, my pervert friend realized that the song was damn good and Andy Leo has a handsome face. and then we ended up digging the internet to find anything related to this band. luckily, this band frequently uploads videos on their youtube channel.

And my pervert friend freaked out, when we found out that Andy Leo has the same birthday as hers. she lay down, kicked her own closet repeatedly, screaming like a lunatic. actualy, she IS a lunatic. well, i'd say a pervert than a lunatic (sorry, buddy. oh wait, i'm not sorry at all). we were surpised when we found out about the band's average ages though. they're about 18 - 23. young lads...

This is the video i'm talking about (which happens to be a good song), Johnny Ringo by Crown The Empire:

Look at the drummer's face. you'll find it funny. well even if you don't, at least you'll think that it's dumb or overrated. lucky him because his drumming skills got his ridiculous faces covered. Overall it's a good music video. for me personally, Crown The Empire's music videos and songs are kinda creepy. i don't know, maybe it's the video. or the aura. or the melodies. except the singing parts by Andrew and David. i'm talking about the music. most of the times, it's the intro. Yeah, you could call me a coward, but in fact, i love the way that it's creepy. it sounds cool by the way. People compares them to My Chemical Romance and another band i can't remember of, but i don't think that they're similar to MCR. a bit emo, but not that emo. come on, they had a screamer. i mean, he REALLY screams. it's nothing like MCR. So, just give this band a chance.

As the last part of the post...

Well i have no last words, so this is a pic of Crown The Empire.

L-R: Brent, David, Hayden, Andrew, Princess Baby Ben, Brandon

p.s. whoever reads this and feel offended, or think that i'm wrong and stupid, no hard feelings, dawg.

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