Thursday, March 7, 2013

I'm under pressure, folks!

Uh... I love Tony Perry. he's the guitarist of Pierce The Veil.

And this.

And this. 

This too. 

why would I share all these photos?

Well, I'm bored. I want to talk in my own language but i don't really know what to talk about.

Let's try. How about sharing what's in my mind right now?

Damn, I can't. I'm confused. I can't even think right now. I'm too pissed because of my grades. people tells not to give a shit about your grades or report cards, they even make a joke out of it. at that time i was like laugh out loud and think that it is true. but when i got my own grades, and it's pretty bad, i just feel sorry for myself. I'm under pressure y'all. I'm not good at school. I can't count faster than my friends. it took about 5 minutes for myself to divide decimal numbers. I'm such a slow thinker in math.

is it okay to swear in here? cause i'd really want to swear right now. i don't care about school. so far there are no useful things you got in school, can actually be used in your life. 

and why do we need grades? it's causing people judge everyone based on their grades. That's not fair.

why would i need to learn chemistry? it's not like i'm gonna be playing with some liquids in my everyday life.

I'm supposed to be doing what i love to do. as an example, i love music. so i think i should spent more time improving my music skill, not doing math shit or stoichiometry.

If you didn't get my point here, then you better ignore this shit i wrote, and go back to top of this post, and enjoy Tony Perry's photos. he's cute by the way. haha.

I really can't stop fangirling.

That's all for today. i'm looking forward to post another post (this sounds weird) and have fun with myself (always).

G'day, mate!

- Andrea, one bad hopeless bastard.

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