Saturday, March 23, 2013

oh basketball..

Sometimes, i wish i were a basketball player. i don't know why, but here in indonesia, basketball players are usually the popular kids. i want to be a basketball player, not because i want to be popular, but.. in some occasion, i think being a basketball player is some kind of a cool thing. especially when you are handsome/beautiful. this is most working on guys actually, because people loves to watch boys' match rather than girls'. and the fact that girls are the most loyal creatures on earth who are willing to do the fangirling thing. so yeah, sometimes when i'm high, i wish i were a handsome popular basketball player guy. hhh..

playing basketball could also increase the level of someone's handsomeness. i'm NOT kidding. this just happened to me today. i spotted my friend, who really is JUST a friend, being handsome today when he had a final basketball match couple of hours ago. when i realized what i was thinking about him i was like, "what the hell am i thinking.. go home me, you're drunk."  you should really go watch a basketball match. but not the NBA. go check your school's basketball match. if you have a friend in the team, take a look on him/her. you could see how awesome/handsome/beautiful/hot they've become. even if they looked normal when they're not playing basketball. okay, maybe it's not just because the basketball. haha. when you are "in action", you could really increase your awesomeness level.

By the way i'm bored of school. i wish i could go on tours with my band (even though i don't have any bands, but i wish i do). i'd rather be waking up in a tour bus bunk or sofa, on the way from a town to another town, than waking up on my comfy bed, but then i have to get ready for school. these all school things are shit. why should i learn about trigonometry?  or that shitty stoichiometry? what about history? people says we shouldn't bring up history, because it is history and the life must go on. i don't find the benefit of school until now (except those skills to read and count from 1 to 10). Now i just want to graduate from highschool ASAP.

and uh, this is me ending my post today. adiĆ³s amigos.

I'd still want to be a basketball player. just want to, not trying to. i was born to be a rockstar, baby! definitely not the basketball player type. haha.

P.S. I wished too much today.

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