Saturday, June 1, 2013

It's been bad, sort of..

May has been kind of bad month for me.. 

I don't know, it's actually been good for me, but just not good enough. i've been through a lot of depression in the month of May, even though that i had my birthday that month. Even my birthday didn't feel good for me. everything happened last month felt just like bullshit.

Well, i'm anxious because All Time Low is about to have a gig in my country, and it's one week left until they (the promotor) release the tickets. and i'm really nervous right now.

About band of the month, it'd still be Pierce The Veil. but there's a new band. haha. the band itself called Crown The Empire. I've known the band for months, i love their songs but have never pay any attention to the band until a week ago. I came to my pervert friend's house (this is her blog, click to see this pervert's blog) I was about to show her a video of a band, that the drummer's face has a lot of ridiculous expressions while drumming. we love to laugh at many things, it's what you called "mocking", i guess. so i showed her that video. we laughed at first. but right after Andy Leo (the frontman of the band) started to sing, my pervert friend realized that the song was damn good and Andy Leo has a handsome face. and then we ended up digging the internet to find anything related to this band. luckily, this band frequently uploads videos on their youtube channel.

And my pervert friend freaked out, when we found out that Andy Leo has the same birthday as hers. she lay down, kicked her own closet repeatedly, screaming like a lunatic. actualy, she IS a lunatic. well, i'd say a pervert than a lunatic (sorry, buddy. oh wait, i'm not sorry at all). we were surpised when we found out about the band's average ages though. they're about 18 - 23. young lads...

This is the video i'm talking about (which happens to be a good song), Johnny Ringo by Crown The Empire:

Look at the drummer's face. you'll find it funny. well even if you don't, at least you'll think that it's dumb or overrated. lucky him because his drumming skills got his ridiculous faces covered. Overall it's a good music video. for me personally, Crown The Empire's music videos and songs are kinda creepy. i don't know, maybe it's the video. or the aura. or the melodies. except the singing parts by Andrew and David. i'm talking about the music. most of the times, it's the intro. Yeah, you could call me a coward, but in fact, i love the way that it's creepy. it sounds cool by the way. People compares them to My Chemical Romance and another band i can't remember of, but i don't think that they're similar to MCR. a bit emo, but not that emo. come on, they had a screamer. i mean, he REALLY screams. it's nothing like MCR. So, just give this band a chance.

As the last part of the post...

Well i have no last words, so this is a pic of Crown The Empire.

L-R: Brent, David, Hayden, Andrew, Princess Baby Ben, Brandon

p.s. whoever reads this and feel offended, or think that i'm wrong and stupid, no hard feelings, dawg.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Cita-cita Seorang manusiakece

muehehehe. selama ini ingin ngepost, tapi apa daya otak ku mandek, bingung mau post tentang apa.

betewe, sekarang udah masuk bulan April, dan sebentar lagi Mei. dalam 2 bulan ini gua bakal mulai UAS buat kenaikan kelas. maklum lah, sekolah gua emang ngebut banget belajarnya, biar liburnya juga cepet. 17 Mei aja itu hari terakhir gua sekolah, dan bakal masuk semester 3 (iya, gua masih SMA, tapi sebutan kelasnya itu persemester) di akhir juli atau awal agustus. yaa.. itupun kalau gua gak kena short course sih. short course itu pelajaran tambahan buat anak-anak yang nilai rapor nya masih di bawah kkm. gimana dengan yang gak kena short course? ya mereka libur lebih lama alias libur lebih panjang. asik bangetkan..

masalahnya, gua sendiri masih khawatir dengan nilai-nilai gua ini. gak sampe do-re-mi sih, tapi gua sadar banget kalau gua termasuk dalam ranking 3 besar orang terbego di kelas gua. yah mau gimana lagi, bukan keahlian gua kalau dibidang akademik gini. 

yang paling gua khawatirkan adalah nilai matematika dan chemistry gua. stoichiometry itu membuat gua pengen boker di tempat. asli gak penting abis. dan sialnya, di kelas chemistry gua gak boleh pake kalkulator. padahal angka-angkanya lebih jelek dari omas abis kecemplung saluran pembuangan, saudara-saudara! ditambah gua dan kalkulator gua bagaikan bella swan dan edward cullen (ini contoh terburuknya), kita tak terpisahkan! apalah arti hidup gua tanpa kalkulator... *peluk-cium kalkulator gua*. untungnya gua sudah melewatkan stoichiometry, walaupun hasilnya masih dibawah kkm.. hehehe.

dengan kemampuan otak gua yang tidak menjanjikan ini, sampe sekarang, gua masih bingung sama cita-cita gua. di lain sisi, gua pengen banget bisa ke luar negeri setelah SMA, tapi cita-cita gua sampe sekarang aja belom jelas juntrungannya. at least gua punya pilihan sih. aku terjebak diantara dua pilihan~ *joget*. yang jelas sih gua yakin gua gak akan ngambil jurusan yang ada hubungannya sama pelajaran sekolah, kecuali musik, karena memang gua tertarik di bagian itu. kalaupun ambil musik, kemungkinan besar gua pengen ambil music production supaya gua nantinya bisa memproduksi musik gua sendiri. indie gitu lahhh.. haha (enak banget ya gua ngomongnya)

tapi begitulah, baru angan-angan saja. IQ jongkok gini aja gua udah ngarep macem-macem. haha. gua sih hanya berpasrah sama Tuhan tapi sebisa mungkin gua tetep usahakan yang terbaik. gua sadar sih apa yang gua lakukan sekarang belum 100% dari apa yang bisa gua lakukan, dan cuma sebagian dari gua doang yang punya niat untuk jadi lebih baik saat ini. tapi apa boleh buat, hati dan pikiran gua memang tidak seutuhnya untuk sekolah, melainkan untuk main musik dan membentuk band gua sendiri. itulah sebenernya kenapa gua ngotot banget supaya bisa kuliah di luar negri, karena gua pikir kesempatan untuk berkarya dalam bidang musik di luar negeri itu (terutama amerika) lebih meyakinkan daripada di negara ini. you have to admit it.

Jadi ya kalau ditanya soal masa depan, gua sendiri pun masih bingung. kalau nanti ke luar negri, gua pun bingung, "mau ngapain aja gua disana selain belajar? apa gua bakal kerja part-time dan jadi mbak-mbak mekdi disana?" who knows, right?

ah, fuck the life anyway, just let it flow, dan gua sendiri males mikirin tentang masa depan terlalu lama. ngapain mikirin sesuatu yang tak bisa diprediksikan? cuma Tuhan yang tau. dan gua takut untuk berharap ketinggian, karena bakal kecewa banget kalau ternyata Tuhan merencanakan yang lain, nggak sama seperti apa yang sudah kita rencanakan dari sekarang. bahkan yang udah dipersiapkan dari sekarang sekalipun. Tapi bukan berarti kita gak boleh bermimpi juga sih, toh mimpi itu yang memotivasi kita untuk mencapai apa yang kita inginkan kan?

apa sih kok gua jadi aneh gini. #AndreaTeguh

Sip lah kalau gitu sekian dongeng sebelum tidur dari gua *balik badan ngapalin rumus trigonometri*

Saturday, March 23, 2013

oh basketball..

Sometimes, i wish i were a basketball player. i don't know why, but here in indonesia, basketball players are usually the popular kids. i want to be a basketball player, not because i want to be popular, but.. in some occasion, i think being a basketball player is some kind of a cool thing. especially when you are handsome/beautiful. this is most working on guys actually, because people loves to watch boys' match rather than girls'. and the fact that girls are the most loyal creatures on earth who are willing to do the fangirling thing. so yeah, sometimes when i'm high, i wish i were a handsome popular basketball player guy. hhh..

playing basketball could also increase the level of someone's handsomeness. i'm NOT kidding. this just happened to me today. i spotted my friend, who really is JUST a friend, being handsome today when he had a final basketball match couple of hours ago. when i realized what i was thinking about him i was like, "what the hell am i thinking.. go home me, you're drunk."  you should really go watch a basketball match. but not the NBA. go check your school's basketball match. if you have a friend in the team, take a look on him/her. you could see how awesome/handsome/beautiful/hot they've become. even if they looked normal when they're not playing basketball. okay, maybe it's not just because the basketball. haha. when you are "in action", you could really increase your awesomeness level.

By the way i'm bored of school. i wish i could go on tours with my band (even though i don't have any bands, but i wish i do). i'd rather be waking up in a tour bus bunk or sofa, on the way from a town to another town, than waking up on my comfy bed, but then i have to get ready for school. these all school things are shit. why should i learn about trigonometry?  or that shitty stoichiometry? what about history? people says we shouldn't bring up history, because it is history and the life must go on. i don't find the benefit of school until now (except those skills to read and count from 1 to 10). Now i just want to graduate from highschool ASAP.

and uh, this is me ending my post today. adiĆ³s amigos.

I'd still want to be a basketball player. just want to, not trying to. i was born to be a rockstar, baby! definitely not the basketball player type. haha.

P.S. I wished too much today.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Srott... Srott...

"Apa yang naiknya cepet, tapi turunnya lama?"

Lu pasti bego tingkat dewa kalau gak tau jawabannya. yak, jawabannya ialah ingus. menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Ingus yaitu air lendir yang keluar dari lubang hidung pada orang yang sedang pilek atau sakit influenza. Lah, kesambet apaan gua ngepost tentang ingus?

oke, jadi gini ceritanya. gua sedang pilek, saudara-saudara sekalian. pilek. penting abis kan?!?! nah, hari ini kan sekolah ya, sehingga gua susah banget mencari waktu yang tepat untuk buang ingus. padahal itu ingus sudah berlomba-lomba dan berkejar-kejaran mau keluar dari idung gua. pas akhirnya ada jam break, gua buru-buru ke toilet. perasaan lega dan bahagia pun membuncah dalam dada. akhirnya... setelah sekian lama... gua bisa dengan leluasa buang ingus. gua lalu masuk ke dalam salah satu bilik toilet. gua keluarkan tissue, dan dengan bangganya mengumpulkan tenaga dalam, lalu... "SROTT!" bunyi suara itu menggelegar memecah keheningan. terus abis itu gua keluar dari toilet dengan hati yang gembira. sekian. #antiklimaks #gakjelas #gatot

ngomong-ngomong tentang si ingus sahabat orang pilek ini, dulu gua punya temen waktu TK, dan gua inget dia bernama Christian. jadi gua sedang duduk di sebelah si Christian ini, waktu tiba-tiba dia bersin dengan heboh membahana bak petir Zeus, lalu sejurus kemudian dia mengeluarkan jaring Spiderman (baca: ingus) dari idungnya. hm, ingus itu nempel nyambung dari idungnya sampai lantai! udah gitu, dia bukannya minta tissue atau gimana kek, dia malah duduk diem aja udah kayak gak terjadi apa-apa, sampe akhirnya dia disamperin guru gua. yah, namanya juga anak TK sih ya. Dan seinget gua, yang gua lakukan saat itu, bukannya manggil guru buat ngurusin dia, gua dengan bejatnya malah ngetawain dia keras-keras. Sepertinya gua memang bukan teman yang baik ya daridulu. hehehe.

Anyway, demikianlah bunyinya post gua tentang ingus hari ini. ya, gua tau ini gak lucu dan gak jelas, tapi setidaknya gua sudah berbagi sedikit pengalaman gua tentang ingus. Ingus itu ada sisi nikmatnya, apalagi kalau fresh abis dikeluarin dari idung...

So these were my experiences with snot. How about yours? ;) *srott... srott... SROTT!* *buang ingus*


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

One day is just not enough

Oke, kali ini gua pake bahasa indo. ganti-gantian lah, biar cakep kan dwi-bahasa gitu.. hehehe.

Hari ini tanggal merah, jadi gua cukup bersyukur atas libur yang telah Tuhan berikan pada gua (walaupun gak puas sih, masa libur cuma sehari, kejepit pula!). dengan semena-mena gua tidur telat kemaren dan dengan semena-mena pula bangun jam setengah 11 siang. gak terlalu ekstrem sih ya, cuma lumayan lah untuk kepuasan jiwa raga ini.

Tadi cuma jenguk oma gua sama sodara-sodara gua, terus sampe rumah lagi udah jam setengah 9 malem. pikiran udah gak karuan stress mikirin besok sekolah. padahal sih ya, besok ga ada tugas apa-apa. kuping gua panas tadi denger sodara gua yang udah kuliah bilang, "aku besok udah izin gak kuliah dulu.." asik ya, coba anak SMA bisa kayak gitu, udah gua liburkan diri gua setahun penuh (ntar ga naek kelas mah, sama aja ya SMA nya makin lama). Ayo dong SMA kapan kelar nih... 

Orang bilang SMA adalah masa yang paling membahagiakan selama lu sekolah, tapi, sejauh ini, SMA is the worst of all buat gua. gimana gak worst, tiap hari isinya tugas melulu, ulangan melulu. mana sekolah gua liburnya pelit banget lagi. udah kaya pekerja paksa gua belajar. tapi tetep aja nilai gua jelek-jelek. hehe. Jadi ya selama ini, kalau lagi bosen banget dan pikiran udah gak konsen ke pelajaran, pikiran gua selalu melanglangbuana memikirkan cogan-cogan yang gua gemari. untuk saat ini cogannya adalah, ya Tony Perry. hahay. 

Dan gua kebelet ngeband. sampe sekarang progress yang gua dan temen gua buat sejauh ini cuma nama band dan lagu-lagu nya aja. itupun masih sebatas gambaran kasarnya aja. sistemnya sih beda-beda, kadang nadanya dulu, kadang liriknya dulu. Yang jelas sih peranan gua adalah cari nadanya, dan temen gua buat liriknya, karena dia lebih dewa dari gua dalam merangkai kata dan menyusun kata yang artinya tidak secara harafiah. Gua jarang banget bisa bikin lirik sendiri. makanya kalau disekolah gua lagi bosen, atau lagi badmood, atau lagi apapun lah, gua gapernah bisa menuangkan apa yang gua rasakan atau pikirkan menjadi sebuah lagu. Makanya selama ini kerjaan gua cuma nunggu lirik dari temen gua doang, abis itu baru gua buat nadanya sampai jadi satu lagu yang utuh, atau kalau gua lagi nemu suatu nada yang oke buat jadi lagu, gua kasih vn ke temen gua, terus baru dia buat lirik. kita membuat lagu hanya lewat bbm, kita kece badai menggelegar cetar membahana tak terkalahkan bagaikan Mermaidman dan Barnacle Boy.. 

susah ngepasin waktu untuk kita nge jam bareng. padahal kita udah sama-sama kebelet ngeband, rasanya melebihi kebelet pipis dan kebelet boker digabung jadi satu. tapi ya gimana lagi, liburan sekolah di saat-saat ini hanya satu sampai tiga hari saja. seperti gua bilang, one day is just not enough. apalagi rumah gua dan temen gua itu cukup jauh, sedangkan studio tempat kita latihan adanya di deket rumah gua. jadilah sulitnya itu ada di temen gua, karna kasian dia susah ke studionya. Waktu itupun kita pernah ada kesempatan untuk ngeband, dari jauh-jauh hari kita udah semangat banget janjian mau ngeband dan ngomongin mau main lagu apa aja. eh pas udah hari H, pas dia lagi otw ke rumah gua, tiba-tiba semangat '45 kita untuk ngeband raib entah kemana. alhasil, kita dengan begonya berakhir di rumah gua, cuma main doang dan fangirling. ah, itulah keindahan fangirling. bisa dilakukan dimana saja, kapan saja. Itulah kegiatan yang menyenangkan untuk orang forever alone seperti gua. oh, the power of fangirling... *merenung*

Yah, satu hari libur ini intinya tidak cukup sih buat gua, dan gua yakin tidak cukup juga buat semua orang. gua lebih memilih setahun liburan bosen daripada sekolah. toh peran gua disekolah bukan sebagai anak eksis yang setiap hari dikerubungi oleh teman-temannya yang anak eksis juga. Teman setia gua cuma dua men, Tuhan, dan ya... internet? oke, dia gak setia sih, kadang suka berkhianat dengan memutuskan koneksi dengan laptop gua. saat itu terjadi, rasanya.... mungkin kaya putus sama pacar. terus bisa nyambung lagi kadang. udah kaya pacar yang putus-nyambung sih ya. ea.

Oiya satu lagi untuk teman gua yang disana, The Fangirlin' Queen. Dia bilang Vic Fuentes ganteng, jadi gua yang murah hati dan dermawan ini akan memberi dia hadiah berupa dua foto Vic Fuentes (bukan berupa piring cantik), bonus Kellin Quinn satu, karena sepertinya dia naksir juga sama Kellin Quinn. kenapa cuma dua? karena favorit gua adalah Tony Perry bukan Vic, jadi fotonya dua aja deh. hehe.

Vic Fuentes, rada freak sih mukanya disini..
Kellin Quinn & Vic Fuentes

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Song For a Week

Hello, dudes and dudettes!
Today i'll write something about music. so, it's actually about song of the week. I've been listening to Post-Hardcore lately, not too heavy but there's still an awesome part on each song. That's why love post-hardcore.

So anyway, my song of the week is King For a Day by Pierce The Veil ft. Kellin Quinn, Besitos by Pierce The Veil (too) and Better Off This Way by A Day to Remember. i love these three songs. I almost listened to these songs every single day this week. especially on the way to school. I always hate school, so i'd like to listen to what i love before i do what i hate, which is, school.

And you should really go check out the music video. It was rad. probably one of the most awesome music video of my version. Click this link to watch the Video --> King For a Day - Pierce The Veil ft. Kellin Quinn

This is Pierce The Veil, from left to right: Frontman Vic Fuentes, bassist Jaime Preciado, guitarist Tony Perry,  and drummer Mike Fuentes.

And this is Kellin Quinn of Sleeping With Sirens with Vic Fuentes on his left :D

Well that was Pierce The Veil, and now is A Day To Remember

From the music video All Signs Point To Lauderdale. Great video though.

So, this is a  little piece of things i like for now. I like many kinds of music, as long as it sounds good to my ears. but there are exceptions. I never like popular music today. Songs that are on MTv's top 10 or shit. i don't know, it's not really my type of music, apparently. but I don't hate them (well, a bit.).

There's not much to talk about right now. i consider posting in my own language but i don't know where to start. nor to share. i bet i look like a confused idiot right now. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

I'm under pressure, folks!

Uh... I love Tony Perry. he's the guitarist of Pierce The Veil.

And this.

And this. 

This too. 

why would I share all these photos?

Well, I'm bored. I want to talk in my own language but i don't really know what to talk about.

Let's try. How about sharing what's in my mind right now?

Damn, I can't. I'm confused. I can't even think right now. I'm too pissed because of my grades. people tells not to give a shit about your grades or report cards, they even make a joke out of it. at that time i was like laugh out loud and think that it is true. but when i got my own grades, and it's pretty bad, i just feel sorry for myself. I'm under pressure y'all. I'm not good at school. I can't count faster than my friends. it took about 5 minutes for myself to divide decimal numbers. I'm such a slow thinker in math.

is it okay to swear in here? cause i'd really want to swear right now. i don't care about school. so far there are no useful things you got in school, can actually be used in your life. 

and why do we need grades? it's causing people judge everyone based on their grades. That's not fair.

why would i need to learn chemistry? it's not like i'm gonna be playing with some liquids in my everyday life.

I'm supposed to be doing what i love to do. as an example, i love music. so i think i should spent more time improving my music skill, not doing math shit or stoichiometry.

If you didn't get my point here, then you better ignore this shit i wrote, and go back to top of this post, and enjoy Tony Perry's photos. he's cute by the way. haha.

I really can't stop fangirling.

That's all for today. i'm looking forward to post another post (this sounds weird) and have fun with myself (always).

G'day, mate!

- Andrea, one bad hopeless bastard.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

hello, I'm a douchebag!

Olo. first post of the year. 

um... hi? :D

okay, my name is Andrea, and for now i'm 15, turning 16 in just 2 months. i'm a bad luck high school student. all i know about myself is, i'm such an awkward douche bag.

Little fact about my blog title. Human Extinct. I'm not sure about its meaning though, it's just a random name my buddy and i picked for our (future) band name. well.. i realized there are so much random band names nowadays. maybe it's not meaningless for the band itself, but it's seemed meaningless to me. so i decided to pick a name, which i don't even know the exact meaning is.

as a high school student, i have my own anxiety. i'm having a chemistry drill tomorrow, and i don't think i can do it. or at least have a good grade. c'mon.. i'm suck at school. i'm suck at everything, actually. but seriously, i don't belong here. i belong in... TOUR BUS. OR AIRPORT. haha. 


i think i'll end this post. about right now.

but one thing... don't forget about my man Tony Perry.

Tony Perry <3